Smart sensor interconnection networks

Optimisation of installations with Modbus RTU by shortening cable runs by using smart sensor connection boxes and LORA/ZigBee radio links.

Smart sensor interconnection networks

SmartBox-8CH Smart Sensor Connection Box


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The SmartBox-8CH smart sensor connection box (from now SB-8CH) optimises the installation of the METEODATA/HYDRODATA measurement system with its sensors in sites with long distances between the smart sensors and the Meteodata-4000 data acquisition system. This solution significantly reduces the amount of cable used to connect the sensors, as well as the energy losses and the complexity of the installation, conduits, etc.

The SB-8CH makes it possible to have a single RS-485 bus that runs through the different sensor locations at the installation site, providing optional power supply, galvanic separation and extending the bus by amplifying/regenerating the RS-485 signal, when the type of sensor or the field conditions require it.

Different sensor connection boxes, each compatible with up to 8 smart sensors, are connected to this RS-485 bus. The different sensors connected to each SB-8CH and the METEODATA/HYDRODATA measurement system communicate using Modbus RTU protocol.


The different types of SB-8CH make it compatible with a wide variety of installation requirements. The choice of the type of smart sensor distribution box depends on its distance from the METEODATA/HYDRODATA station, the type and number of sensors to be connected to each box, and the installation’s signal isolation requirements.

 SmartBox-8CH -1 / 2 / 3 / 4  Distance (*1)  Consumption (*2)
SB-8CH-1: Passive non-isolated.
The connected Modbus sensors are powered directly from the METEODATA / HYDRODATA station.
25 m < 3 W
SB-8CH-2: Active non-isolated.
The connected Modbus sensors are powered by an internal power supply.
< 200 m < 20 W
SB-8CH-3: Active isolated.
Internal isolation of RS-485 bus lines for long distances. The connected Modbus sensors are powered by an internal power supply.
> 200 m < 20 W
SB-8CH-4: Active with radio communication.
The sensors connected communicates with METEODATA/HYDRODATA station through a LORA/ZigBee radio link.
< 5 Km LoS < 20 W

(*1) Maximum distance between METEODATA/HYDRODATA station and SmartBox-8CH.
(*2) Maximum total consumption of Modbus RTU smart sensors connected to SmartBox-8CH.