Solar Energy Measurement
SEMS (Solar Energy Measurement System) to measure Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI), Diffuse Horizontal Irradiance (DHI) and Global Horizontal Irrandiance (GHI), as well as all of the weather parameters of interest for Photovoltaic (PV), Concentrated Photovoltaic (CPV) and Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) solar plants.
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Solar Energy Measurement
The SEMS System is basically available in three versions, depending on the solar irradiance components that need to be measured in each of the types of existing solar power plants, that is, depending on whether they have PV fixed panels, PV panels with one or two axes orientation (monofacial or bifacial), CPV concentrating photovoltaic or CSP concentrated solar power:
- SEMS-PV for plants with PV fix or oriented photovoltaic solar panels.
- SEMS-2000/3000 for plants with CPV concentrated photovoltaic and CSP concentrated solar power plants.
- SEMS-Spectral for plants with PV photovoltaic solar panels and for Research.
In addition to the various components of solar Irradiance, the SEMS System is also responsible for measuring all the other meteorological parameters that affect the operation of solar plants, as well as other different measures, such as the degree of dirt on the panels ( soiling index), the short circuit current or the open circuit voltage of the panels.
The three systems are described separately below.