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Multielectrode electrical tomography
This technique provides both lateral and depth information
These electrical prospecting methods are based on the presence of variations in electrical properties, especially resistivity of the different subsoil formations, in order to determine the distribution along the depth (resistivity values and thicknesses) of the geoelectric levels.
This technique provides both lateral and depth information. The system consists of a resistivity meter or basic unit, an electrode selector and a set of multi-connector cables that allows up to 64 electrodes to be used, switched completely automatically with the electrode selector and controlled by the basic control unit. This equipment also allows resistivity to be measured using simpler devices, such as vertical electrical sounding (VES) or resistivity profiling.
Main applications:
- Groundwater searches.
- Detection of soil and aquifer contamination.
- Detection of cavities.
- Archaeological Studies.
- Geotechnical studies.
- Exploration of metal deposits.